It takes years to practice the basic Kung-Fu style of Hungar, which is the basic style of Earth-Benders. Hungar is the basic movements of the Tiger, which represents Strong Power, and the Crane, which represents Gentleness. also known as the Tiger and Crane style. But it takes years to master Hungar, and it takes years to learn how to Earth-Bend. You just have to learn how to combine your Mental and Inner strength into one, and therefore, the more you can do this, the easier it becomes to combine both.
Okay, maybe you can learn "Hungar," or a martial art similar to the style in the show. However, you CANNOT bend as depicted in the show. There is no way for humans to manipulate the elements as shown in Avatar, and no amount of studying Martial Arts will ever give you that ability.
You cant' earthbend with Aang, but you can actually Earthbend. Go to or
you need to be an animated cartoon character
Unfortunately, earthbending is not a true-to-life ability. It is a fictional form of manipulation over earth and its derivatives, popularized by the TV show "Avatar: The Last Airbender."
Toph can earthbend, metalbend, use vibrations to see with her feet, and kick butt.
No. I haven't seen anybody earthbend or waterbend, have you?
ok Toph's teacher is that wussy guy who is trying to capture her along with the boulder, but later on she said that she learned how to earthbend from the BadgerMoles.
You need to earthbend the two weights onto the sinking platform and then go back to the other side where the water is rushing and then you will be able to bend the big ice structures and cross. Np
Well it just so happens I am a earthbender, I broke metal with just my foot. And yes that is earthbending! And I made a crakeling sound with a bookshelf. So YES, you can earthbend if you are strong and confident. By the way if you wanna learn how to earthbend, you should watch Avatar The Last Airbender, it showed me how to earthbend,or you can look i up on this website, and I have to say, EARTHBENDING IS AWESOME!! I descoverd I'm an earthbender because I am born in January, and January is earth ( look it up ). If you want to master it, it takes many years.
Go into the avatar state with the wisdom of 1000 avatars that know all 4 elements and alos know how to energy bend not offical elememnt never called it in episode but energy bending is taking some1 bending abilite away like anng did to phonenix king ozia type in wiki/avatar
Any kind of 'bending' as seen in the movie Avatar is not real. It is created by the special effects department. It cannot be achieved in any way in the real world. Sites claiming to be able to teach any such thing are a fraud.
if you are talking about the river at the poor/sick village then first you face the river with the sticks at other crap in it, then you take a left. next you pick the rock up that is not underneath the cage and set it on the other side of the scale. then jump on the open side of the scale. then you stay there and earthbend the trapped rock out and then you set it where the first rock was that you picked up. then you go where you started and make an ice pillar and you're in... :)
It does not matter how much you want it. The fact remains it is entirely fantasy and is not achievable. As with mermaids, vampires and werewolves it is all made up. Don't listen to the first answer. It's a bunch of baloney. It's best to take a quiz and find out if you are even a water or earth bender. Once you find out what you you can begin. I have a water bending tutor online. He teaches me to control my chi (energy). I have not sucessfully lifted water yet but I can move it. You see, bending an element is controlling not the element it's self but the fields around it. Find a tutor online for more. Hope I helped!