Angelo Sakelarios ran a record mile time of 6:24 in 1970 at Hughes Stadium in Sacramento, California when he was just 6 years old. The record was held for 10 years until a 6 year old boy from Sweden ran a record time of 6:12 1n 1980.
Trent cole this year, Reggie white all time
Average mile time for a 12 year old kid is 7 1/2 minutes but the record for a 12 year old is about 4 1/2 minutes
Billy Bob
About 7 minutes for a 5 year old to complete a full mile.
Hack Wilson
Kelso who also holds the record for winning horse of the year with 5 wins in a row
Bill Misner (age 67) ran 2-miles 16:29 above 5000' elevation at Cascade Lake Idaho 2007, twice as slow as 20 year runner Steve Prefontaine's World Record 8:15.
the fastest mile time for 14 year-olds is 5 minutes and 59 seconds
This is a personal thing, you need to know how fast on average that you run. This is best done by averaging how long you run in say 5 or a 10 mile session and record the time.
SR Tendulkar, from India, holds the record for scoring the most runs in a calendar year, with 1894 runs in 1998.