Dewey Decimal System catalogs soccer under 796.33 (Inflated ball driven by foot)
The Dewey Decimal number for thermodynamics is 536.
The Dewey reference number for seasons is 551.6.
The Dewey Decimal Classification number for crickets is 595.733.
The Dewey decimal number for camping is 796.54.
The Dewey decimal number for Disasters is 363.34.
The Dewey decimal number for autobiography is 928.
The Dewey Decimal number for ninja is 796.815.
The phone number of the Dewey Hotel Museum is: 918-534-0215.
The Dewey decimal number for Greek civilization is 938 in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.
The Dewey Decimal Classification number for archaeology is 930.
The Dewey Decimal Classification number for volcanoes is 551.21.
The phone number of the Dewey - Tyler Memorial Library is: 918-534-2106.