No animal could beat Michael Phelps' world record in swimming, as animals do not compete in Olympic events. Michael Phelps is a highly skilled and trained athlete, and his world records are a result of his years of training, dedication, and natural talent.
Hardware. As in, "Michael Phelps won a lot of hardware at the Olympics in 2008." Gold. (Or silver, or bronze.) As in, "She could scarcely believe she'd won the gold!"
Michael Phelps, the great American Olympic medal holder in swimming has not stated his sexual preference in public. WikiAnswers will not speculate on what is personal and private information to any individual.
The Humane Society, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Michael Vick.
Yes, he is. I know someone who was swimming at the same meet as him back in July and he was warming up in the same lane as him. He stopped at the wall during the warm up and the guy I know asked, "are you.." about to ask if he was going to continue or if he could go, but Michael interrupted him and said, "Yes, I'm Michael Phelps, no you can't have an autograph."It's a typical American celebrity thing. They complain about how hard their multi-million dollar lives are because they have fame while some families go to bed on an empty stomach.But then again, he's American, so what can you expect?
Designing and building a rocket that could take people to the moon was a monumental task.
The 'record' in question is suspect in association. Criminal or Vinyl? Big difference. An American w/a criminal record can't even get into Canada from my understanding, so no i think not. An expunged record is a whole different animal. An American w/a vinyl record wouldn't be a problem, so yes they could..
u could b like Michael phelps and hit the bong for awhile cas marijuana causes u to forget about things such as sicknesess. i blaze that $hit up with johny Hopkins everyday and im fine, never been sick in my life. u could b like Michael phelps and hit the bong for awhile cas marijuana causes u to forget about things such as sicknesess. i blaze that $hit up with johny Hopkins everyday and im fine, never been sick in my life.
I know he occasionally at least trains at Loyola University Maryland's Fitness and Aquatic Center.
There is no evidence the Phelps did actually participate in drug taking activities, however he has admitted that the picture is not a fake. Chances are it was a fraternal thing, Phelps goes to an American University, the fraternity is similar to a brotherhood; the photo is probably just a pose. However, he has been banned for 3 months, and has taken this without argument. Weed is not a performance enhancing drug, so no further action will be taken.
Not likely. He is a part of his father's 'church' which is about as homophobic as any organization could be.
Could you demonstrate on how to record transactions
Well, according to ChaCha, the Phelps twins have said that they do NOT follow a religion. I looked everywhere to find out where they said this, and could not find it. Then I came across an interview, where they were asked "If you could spend time with any historical figure, who would it be?" One of the Phelps twins answered with "Jesus." So, I honestly have no idea.