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Q: To the nearest second how long does it take you to walk 100m?
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about 0.29 second

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Travelling at 100 m per second? per minute, per hour, day, year?

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21 minutes 11 seconds (rounded to the nearest second).

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100 seconds

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Light travels at a speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. To travel 100 meters, it would take light approximately 0.000000336 seconds.

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It can take a snail several days to slither 100m, as they typically move at a slow pace of about 0.013 m/s. Snails move by contracting and relaxing their muscular foot to propel themselves forward using mucus for traction.

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That would depend on how fast it goes. But at a typical speed in the solar system of 20 miles per second it would take about 39,000 years.

To the nearest second how long does it take sound to travel 1 km through the air?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air. To travel 1 km (1000 meters), it would take approximately 2.9 seconds.

A bullet travels 1500 feet per second how long to the nearest tenth of a second will it take to travel 2 miles?

7.04 seconds (5280 feet in a mile x 2 miles = 10560 feet) / 1500 feet per second = 7.04 seconds

How long will it take you to drive 580 at 62 miles an hour?

580 miles / 62 mph = 9.3548 hours = 9 hours 21 minutes 17 seconds (to nearest second).

How long does it take Usain Bolt to run 100m?

41 steps at the hundred. The rest took 44 steps