its gona take 65days and 17hours.
Your average speed is 5km per hour.
It's imossible, because avarage speed of human walking is from 5km to 5.5km per hour, maximum one is about 6.5km per hour. If you walk with avarage speed (5km/h), it will take 12 minutes (for 1km=100000mm). If you walk with maximum speed (6.5km/h), it will take 11+ minutes (for 1km=100000mm)
At the Long Tan Rubber Plantation, about 5km from Nui Dat
It takes approximately 53 minutes according to google maps, but also remember that the average human walking speed is 5km/hr so just under an hour
sheep walk at approximately 5km every hour also they can run at 8km every hour
It is a 6.6km (4.1 mile) walk. Assuming the average walking speed is about 5km/h (3.1mph), it would take a bit over an hour and a half with a few stops for rest. If you were to hitchhike it, it's only 20mins.
You will reduce by 5km :-)
It would probably take a person one and half or two days as we see Jesus and the two deciples stayed the night over. A: According to ancient maps Emmaus was about 31-32 km or 20 miles. Given the average walking speed of 5km/h, it would take 6 - 6.5 hours of continuous walking.
they need to walk at least 5km every morning
Well depending on where they live, usually about 1-5km, and on the way back, they have to walk that far with large bottles on their sholders.
depends on how fast you walk