It take 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. On average running a mile will minus you about 100 calories or so.
The amount of weight you lose by running a mile depends on various factors such as your weight, speed, and intensity of the run. On average, running a mile burns around 100 calories, which is roughly equivalent to losing about 0.03 pounds.
it depnds
Walking a half mile is a great "little boost," but you're not going to lose any weight. Your weight, height, gender, exercise level and caloric intake are huge factors. If you walk a half mile to Dairy Queen...I mean, come weight loss. If you factor in a half a mile a day with proper diet and (additional exercise) you will lose weight....slowly. Good luck.
alot so lose weight fast
Depends on your calorie intake. You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. 1 lb is approximately 3500 calories.
approx 150 a mile with a body weight of 280. 3500 calories in a pound of fat and burning 150 per mile. 23.333 miles to lose a pound.
You maybe would lose a little weight but as soon as you eat again your metabolism would kick in and you would start to gain the weight back and some more after that too . You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight . Exercise & lower your portions and then you will start seeing results. Starving yourself or purging are the worst possible ways to try to lose weight .
Yes, depending on your diet.
If the calories you burn exceed the calories you take in, you will lose fat. A mile a week is insufficient You'll lose a little, if you could run a mile more often like every day though, you should see some visible results ina week or so.
1336 If your intake at 1836 maintains your weight, any increase in activity will cause you to lose weight. It can be as minimal as a one mile walk. Reducing your calorie intake when you are at such a level already is generally not recommended.
Healthy exercise. That's all you should do. Going to any extremes can do much harm on your body in the long run. I recommend running, a mile a day for a week is easy and achievable. You can lose 1-2 pounds in a week for this.
10 mile