To walk a mile, the average is 3mph walking speed, so about 20 minutes a mile.
20 x 6 = 120 minutes = 2 hours.
But hiking up a mountain or a hill, would obviously take longer if there's obstacles/steep terrain.
The Long Walk to Finchley was created on 2008-06-12.
Walk Idiot Walk was created on 2004-07-06.
We Walk This Road was created on 2010-06-22.
Walk Among Us was created in 1919-06.
Usually just 3 years, 36,000 miles
Walk Through the Fire was created on 2009-06-30.
A Walk in the Spring Rain was created on 1970-06-17.
The Walk - The Cure song - was created on 1983-06-27.
Walk Two Moons was created on 1994-06-30.
The ISBN of Walk Two Moons is 0-06-023334-6.
Still under warranty. Take it back to the dealer and let them find out why.
Miles Dempsey died on 1969-06-05.