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?definition of Psychological Benefits?

The psychological benefits of regular exercise can be as significant as the physical. Some, such as better self-esteem, come as an indirect result of exercise and are fairly subjective.

Others are a direct consequence of chemical activity triggered by physical exertion - for example, people suffering from depression or anxiety are often ‘prescribed’ exercise. Brain chemicals released during exercise, such as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and endorphins, are known to have strong effects on mood, helping reduce feelings of anxiety, stress and depression, while also helping to strengthen your immune system.

Twenty different types of endorphin have been discovered in the nervous system, and the beta-endorphins secreted during exercise have the most powerful effect. Sometimes described as 'runners high', the release of beta-endorphins reduces pain (the reason why running becomes easier after about 20 minutes) and stimulates feelings of euphoria - which is why so many people feel invigorated and enthusiastic after exercise.

Other psychological side effects of exercise include:
Improved self-esteem and greater sense of self-reliance and self-confidence
Improved mental alertness, perception and information processing
Increased perceptions of acceptance by others
Decreased overall feelings of stress and tension
Reduced frustration with daily problems, and a more constructive response to disappointments and failures

These psychological benefits can be just as important as the more obvious physical ones; most of us exercise in the first place because we are unhappy about something, whether it is that spare tyre, worries about general health, or just being sick of feeling tired and unfit.

If you are feeling like a couch potato, or you are finding stress and worry is becoming a problem, get out there and exercise! The hardest part by far is that initial step, when it can feel like exercise is the last thing in the world that will cheer you up: try to remember that exercise is one of the very best ways do do just that.

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10mo ago

Psychological benefits refer to the positive effects that arise from engaging in activities that promote mental and emotional well-being. These benefits can include improved mood, reduced stress, enhanced self-esteem, and increased resilience in coping with life's challenges. Engaging in activities like exercise, mindfulness, socializing, and creative expression can all contribute to psychological well-being.

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