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Q: What is democratic administration?
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What is the role played by public administration within a democratic country?

Public administration plays a very significant in democratic countries in policy making and policy implementation.The word administration has been derived from latin word ad+ministrare which means to care or to look after and when efforts are in favour of public then,it is known as public administration.

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What groups became part of the Democratic Party support due to the roosevelt administration?

Minorities such as African Americans, the poor, and religious minorities all became a part of the Democratic Party during the Roosevelt administration. This was because Roosevelt's New Deal policies and programs.

What 2 political parties were born during Washington's administration who were the leaders?

Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Federalist leader was Alexander Hamilton. Democratic Republicans was Thomas Jefferson.

Democratic view on drones?

Varies by politician for the most part. The Democrats were pretty vocal about their use during the Bush administration, but are much quieter regarding the Obama administration.

What two Democratic leaders constantly challenged President Carter during his administration?

Tip o"neil

What did the botched 1972 burglary of the Democratic Party headquarters lead to?

charges that Nixon administration officials had been involved

Why there is a need for a democratic administration and efficient supervision?

Democratic administration allows for the involvement of all stakeholders in decision-making processes, ensuring transparency, accountability, and fairness. Efficient supervision helps to monitor and regulate activities to prevent misuse of power or resources, maintain compliance with regulations, and improve overall organizational performance through effective management. Both components play critical roles in fostering good governance, enhancing public trust, and achieving organizational goals.

President Clinton concentrated on which issues?

President Clinton's administration focused on foreign policy as well as democratic social objectives. The Clinton administration also pushed for neo-liberal economic policies in the form of NAFTA.

Who was the first vice president who did not become president?

Aaron Burr, who was a democratic-republican. He was in office during the Thomas Jefferson administration from 1801-1805.

What is the democratic concept of school administration and school supervision?

This is where everyone has a say in the things that go on at the school. The people of the town get to vote on who runs the school.

Why do Philippines democratic administration and efficient supervision?

The Philippines has a democratic administration because it is governed by a constitution that outlines principles of democratic governance, such as separation of powers and regular elections. Efficient supervision is achieved through mechanisms such as checks and balances, accountability measures, and oversight bodies that help ensure government officials perform their duties effectively.