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Lenin # Possesed neccassary leadership skills that enabled him to influence the masses, like charisma and good oratorical skills. # He provided the vision to people, in ways such as the April Theses, clearly stating his stand in many areas, and his promise to overthrow the provisional government. # He was able to identify and address the problems the population faced, which were, starvation, war and improper distribution of land, which encompassed in his slogan ,"Bread, Land, Peace" # He unified the Bolsheviks by his return to Russia in April 1917, re-radicalizing the party, as well as providing the leadership for revolution

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Vladimir Lenin brought the world into communism. He was one of the first major dictators in the 1900's and itherthrew the 'tsarist' regime. However, he was half of the reason that Russia had a three-year civil war.

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What role did Vladimir Lenin have Russia in 1917?

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Who was Lenin and what was his role during the Russian Revolution?

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The leader of the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution and the early years of the Soviet state was Vladimir Lenin. He was known for his role in the Bolshevik Party and his love for his pet cat, Lenin Cat.

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Lenin published "What Is to Be Done?" in 1902. This work outlined his views on the necessary role of a vanguard party in leading the proletariat to revolution.

What was the role of Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

to overthrow the provisional government and hand power to the proleteriat, hence, estabish socialism.

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In 1917, he made the Russian soldiers withdraw from the war.

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Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.

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Lenin was vital to the success of the October Revolution. Without Lenin's determination that all power should lie with the Soviets there would probably have been no revolution and some sort of compromise system of Government would have prevailed. Although whatever happened there would have been no return to the old tsarist state, it was Lenin's force of will and cynical manipulation of the soviets that meant the Bolsheviks took power and Lenin became the dictator of the new Soviet state.