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False. When a wave moves from a less dense medium to a denser one, most of the wave energy is typically reflected, not refracted. Reflection occurs because the change in medium causes the wave to bounce back. Refraction, on the other hand, occurs when the wave changes speed and direction as it moves from one medium to another of different density.

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Q: When a wave moves from a less dense medium to a cleaner one most of the wave energy is refracted true or false?
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When a waves moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium most of the wave energy is?


When a wave moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium most of the waves energy is?


When a wave moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium most of the wave energy is?

Most of the wave energy is reflected back into the denser medium when a wave moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium.

When a wave moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium most if the wave energy is what?

When a wave moves from a dense medium to a less dense medium, most of the wave energy is reflected back into the dense medium, while a smaller portion is transmitted into the less dense medium.

When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a denser one most of the wave energy is?

When a wave passes from a less dense to a denser medium, most of the wave energy is reflected back into the less dense medium.

When a wave moves from a less dense medium to a denser one most of the wave energy is refracted.?

refracted False

When a waves moves from a less dense medium to a denser one most of the wave energy is refracted?

When a wave moves from a less dense medium to a denser one, it undergoes refraction due to the change in speed caused by the difference in the two mediums’ densities. This results in most of the wave energy being transmitted into the denser medium, causing the wave to change direction.

What three things determine how much light is refracted as it passes through a substance?

medium, reflection, and how dense the object is

What occurs when light passes from one medium to a less optically dense medium at an angle so great that there is no refracted ray?

It is always refracted, but at an angle so that it goes back into the original medium. This phenomenon is called Total Internal Reflection. The angle that this occurs at is called the critical angle.

Why is red the last color at sunset?

Of all the colors of the rainbow that make up white light, red gets refracted the least when the light goes from a less dense medium to a more dense medium (like from space to the earth's atmosphere).

Which way will light bend when passiing from air to quartz?

The refractive index of air is about 1.0003, and of quartz about 1.45, so quartz is the more "optically dense" medium in this situation. When light goes from a less dense medium to a more dense medium, it is refracted toward the normal. The normal is the imaginary line perpendicular to the surface where the light enters.

When a passes from a less dense medium to a denser one most of the wave energy is?

When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a denser one, most of the wave energy is answer is reflected FALSE