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The amplitude of a wave determines its energy. The larger the amplitude, the more energy the wave carries.

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Q: What wave component determine a waves energy?
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Which wave components determine a waves energy?

Amplitude times frequency.

Hich of these wave components determine a wave's energy?

The amplitude of a wave is the factor that determines a wave's energy. Amplitude is the measure of the height of the wave, which correlates with the energy the wave carries. Waves with larger amplitudes have more energy.

What Component of electromagnetic waves that does vary?

The frequency of electromagnetic waves varies, which is determined by the energy of the wave. Higher energy waves have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths, while lower energy waves have lower frequencies and longer wavelengths.

What wave of a transverse waves determine amount of energy at one time?

The amplitude of a transverse wave determines the amount of energy at one time. A higher amplitude corresponds to a greater amount of energy being carried by the wave.

How do electromagnetic waves that have and magnetic fields travel .?

We understand that electromagnetic waves have both an electric and a magnetic component. Each component is a wave, and each wave is perpendicular to the other and is in phase. perpendicular to the direction of the wave

Do longitudinal waves have high energy?

The energy of a longitudinal wave is related to its amplitude, frequency, and wavelength, rather than its direction of oscillation. Longitudinal waves can have high energy if they have a large amplitude and high frequency, but the presence of longitudinal motion alone does not determine the energy of the wave.

What is the tool used to determine pitch in waves?

A wave gauge or wave recorder is the tool used to determine pitch in waves. It measures the height and frequency of waves, which can then be used to calculate the pitch of the waves.

What factors determine how much energy is store in a wave?

The energy stored in a wave is determined by its amplitude (height of the wave), frequency (rate at which the wave repeats), and the medium through which it is propagating. Waves with higher amplitudes and frequencies contain more energy. Additionally, the density and tension of the medium can affect the energy stored in the wave.

What is a disturbance that carries energy through matter and space?

A disturbance that carries energy through matter and space is known as a wave. Waves can take different forms, such as sound waves, light waves, or seismic waves, and transfer energy by causing particles to move back and forth.

Which describes how to compares the energy of two different waves?

To compare the energy of two waves, you can use the formula E=mc^2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. Another way is to calculate the energy of the waves using the formula E=hv, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and v is the frequency of the wave. By comparing the calculated energy values of the waves, you can determine which wave has more energy.

Do waves that are wide have lots of energy?

No, the energy of a wave is not determined by its width. Wave energy is primarily influenced by factors such as wave height, speed, and wavelength. Wide waves may contain energy, but it is not directly related to their width.

How does frequency relate to energy in waves?

In waves, frequency and energy are directly proportional: as frequency increases, the energy of the wave also increases. Higher frequency waves have more energy because they contain more oscillations per unit time, resulting in greater overall energy content. This relationship is described by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of a wave, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the wave.