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In terms of natural disasters, tsunamis are among the most destructive waves. They are caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides and can result in widespread destruction when they make landfall. Tsunamis can cause massive flooding and loss of life.

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Q: What is the most dectructive type of wave?
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What is the most common type of wave?

The most common type of wave is the transverse wave, where the oscillations of the wave are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. Sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and ocean waves are examples of transverse waves.

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A) gamma rays are the most energetic type of electromagnetic wave.

Is a surface wave a type of wave?

It is a type of mechanical wave known as a seismic wave.

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This type of wave is most dangerous?

Tsunamis are generally considered the most dangerous type of wave due to their large size and destructive power, which can cause widespread devastation when they reach land.

What type of wave is the most powerful?

Gamma waves are the most powerful.

What type of electromagnetic wave is most energetic?

The higher the frequency the more energy it has.

What is the type of electromagnetic wave that we have the most experience with?

Visible light is the type of electromagnetic wave that humans have the most experience with. It is the range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect and is responsible for enabling us to see colors and the world around us.

What type of sound wave does a dog have?

Every type of sound wave produced is a longitudinal wave.

Which type of a wave is a surface wave?

a seismic wave

What is A type of wave?

Surface Wave