

What is one example of velocity?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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12y ago

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One example of Velocity is that if you are running in the same direction, your speed and velocity is the same. But if you are running AROUND the track, your speed is the same but your velocity is changing.

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A car traveling at 60 miles per hour.

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It is an example of a velocity.

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An object's velocity is it's speed plus direction. example: 55mph south Hope this helps:)

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constant velocity means the speed and direction are the same.

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Deceleration (or negative acceleration).

Give an example in which velocity is zero yet acceleration is not zero?

Velocity is directional, so if something is accelerating in the opposite direction from the one it is moving it, there will come a point where it has 0 velocity but still has accelerating. If you throw a ball at the ground and it bounces, for example.

Can object have zero acceleration and nonzero velocity at the same time.give example?

Yes, an object moving at a constant velocity has zero acceleration even though it has a non-zero velocity. For example, a car driving at a steady speed on a straight highway has a constant velocity but zero acceleration.

Can a body have constant velocity when it has constant speed?

Of course. In fact, in order to have constant velocity, it must have constant speed.What you really want to know: Can a body have changing velocity when it has constant speed ?The answer to that one is also "yes", for example when it is moving in a circle, the speed is constant but the velocity is changing all the time (in direction).

Where is a situation when gravity causes a change in velocity?

One common example is when an object falls freely due to gravity. As the object accelerates towards the Earth, its velocity changes because gravity is constantly acting on it. The object's velocity increases as it falls towards the ground.

How can you put velocity in a science example?

the velocity of an object is the size of the speed/magnitude plus the direction it is going in

Can velocity and acceleration point in opposite direction?

Yes, velocity and acceleration can point in opposite directions. This occurs when an object is moving in one direction while experiencing a deceleration, causing its acceleration to be in the opposite direction of its velocity.