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A mechanical wave, such as sound waves or seismic waves, requires a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) in order to propagate because the wave energy is transferred through the particles of the medium vibrating or oscillating. Without a medium, these types of waves cannot travel.

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Q: What is a wave which needs a medium in order to propagate itself?
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What wave that need a medium in order to propagate?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and water waves, require a medium in order to propagate. These waves travel by transferring energy from one part of the medium to another. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, can propagate through a vacuum as they do not require a medium.

What does Sound need these in order to travel?

Sound needs a medium, such as air, water, or a solid substance, in order to travel. This is because sound waves require particles in the medium to vibrate and carry the sound energy from the source to our ears. In a vacuum, where there are no particles for the sound waves to travel through, sound cannot propagate.

Which type of wave must have a medium in order to travel?

Mechanical waves require a medium in order to travel. These waves propagate by transferring energy through a medium by causing particles in the medium to vibrate. Some examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

What do you hear when an alarm clock rings in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, sound waves cannot travel as there is no medium for them to propagate through. Therefore, you would not be able to hear the alarm clock ringing in a vacuum.

In order for a sound wave to travel it must have?

In order for a sound wave to travel, it must have a medium to propagate through. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum because they require a medium such as air, water, or solids to carry the vibrations. The medium allows the sound wave to transfer its energy from one point to another by compressing and rarefying the particles in the medium.

Related questions

What is the medium propagation of earhquake waves?

The Earth itself is.

Medium for the wave?

The medium of any wave is the material that the wave energy travels through; in this case water.

What is the medium of wave propagation?

The "medium" for a wave is whatever the wave goes through - or more precisely, whatever it needs, in order to propagate. In this case, the Earth.

What wave that need a medium in order to propagate?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and water waves, require a medium in order to propagate. These waves travel by transferring energy from one part of the medium to another. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, can propagate through a vacuum as they do not require a medium.

What does Sound need these in order to travel?

Sound needs a medium, such as air, water, or a solid substance, in order to travel. This is because sound waves require particles in the medium to vibrate and carry the sound energy from the source to our ears. In a vacuum, where there are no particles for the sound waves to travel through, sound cannot propagate.

Which type of wave must have a medium in order to travel?

Mechanical waves require a medium in order to travel. These waves propagate by transferring energy through a medium by causing particles in the medium to vibrate. Some examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

Is there sound in a vacuum?

No, you can not produce sound in a vacuum. Sound wave needs medium (for example air) to travel unlike electromagnetic wave which can travel through empty space.actually, sound wave does not propagate itself rather it needs a medium by which sound particle can transfer there energy from one place to other, so it seems like moving. for eg. when u throw a stone in water ,some ripples form in water they seems to moving but not. like this sound propagate. hence it requires medium

What do you hear when an alarm clock rings in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, sound waves cannot travel as there is no medium for them to propagate through. Therefore, you would not be able to hear the alarm clock ringing in a vacuum.

What is one place sound waves cannot travel?

Sound waves cannot travel in space. Sound waves some medium in order to propagate.

In order for a sound wave to travel it must have?

In order for a sound wave to travel, it must have a medium to propagate through. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum because they require a medium such as air, water, or solids to carry the vibrations. The medium allows the sound wave to transfer its energy from one point to another by compressing and rarefying the particles in the medium.

What is needed for a plant to germinate?

The Answer: A plant needs water in order to spread its type. A seed also needs air and a growing medium such as soil in order to germinate.

What type of wave does need medium to travel?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and water waves, require a medium in order to propagate because the particles of the medium are involved in the transfer of energy from one point to another. In the absence of a medium, these waves cannot travel.