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torque, sheering, normal, gravity

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

In a gymnastic balance board, the forces at play are primarily tension, compression, and shear forces. Tension forces act to stretch the board, compression forces compress it, and shear forces cause the top and bottom surfaces of the board to slide against each other. By maintaining balance on the board, gymnasts also use gravitational forces to counteract these forces.

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When The balance of forces that keep a star from collapsing is called?

The balance of forces that keep a star from collapsing is called hydrostatic equilibrium. This equilibrium is maintained between the inward force of gravity and the outward force generated by gas pressure within the star.

What branch of science claims the the balance of forces is necessary for the health?

Biomechanics is the branch of science that claims the balance of forces is necessary for health. It focuses on how forces affect the human body, including how forces applied to the body during movement can impact health and performance. Maintaining equilibrium between different forces is crucial for optimal functioning and well-being in various activities and conditions.

What is the process of establishing a mew level of gravitational balance after weight is removed from or added to the crust?

When weight is removed from or added to the crust, the Earth's gravitational field adjusts to reach a new state of equilibrium. This process involves redistributing mass within the Earth to balance the gravitational forces. The adjustment may involve movement of material within the Earth's interior or changes in the shape of the Earthโ€™s surface.

What is Sals internal forces?

Internal forces in a system refer to forces that act within the system and do not involve external factors. These forces can include tension, compression, and shear forces that exist between different components or parts within the system. Understanding internal forces is important in the analysis of structural integrity and stability of the system.

What are two forces acting on the particles inside a nebula that effect its balance?

Two forces that act on particles inside a nebula are gravity, which pulls particles together to form new stars and solar systems, and radiation pressure, which pushes particles apart due to the energy emitted by hot stars within the nebula. These forces must be balanced for a nebula to maintain its structure and not collapse or dissipate.

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When The balance of forces that keep a star from collapsing is called?

The balance of forces that keep a star from collapsing is called hydrostatic equilibrium. This equilibrium is maintained between the inward force of gravity and the outward force generated by gas pressure within the star.

What branch of science claims the the balance of forces is necessary for the health?

Biomechanics is the branch of science that claims the balance of forces is necessary for health. It focuses on how forces affect the human body, including how forces applied to the body during movement can impact health and performance. Maintaining equilibrium between different forces is crucial for optimal functioning and well-being in various activities and conditions.

How can you get your gymnastic box split down?

stretch regularly and practice and within a month or two you might have your box splits!

What branch of science claims that the balance of forces is necessary for the health of living systems?

Homeostasis, a concept within biology, asserts that the balance of forces is essential for the health of living systems. It refers to the body's ability to regulate its internal environment to maintain stability and ensure optimal functioning. Any disruption in this balance can lead to health issues or disease.

What is equilibrium state?

The simplest answer is a state of equilibrium exists when things are in balance. Physical, emotional, political, etc. It is the state of a body at which the resultant forces acting on the body will be zero. It is usually attained when the C.G of the body lies within and near its base. The state of the equilibrium is where there is no change. State of equilibrium means that there is a balance of forces summing to zero, or no acceleration. If there are no forces, there will be no acceleration or change of velocity.

Which religion represents the harmony of opposites?

Taoism. Taoists believe that seemingly contradictory forces are all actually in harmony in the natural world. Opposites interact within a greater whole, and balance is key.

When one hand is up and the other is down?

This phrase is often used in yoga or meditation to indicate a balance between opposing forces or energy within oneself. It represents finding equilibrium and harmony within, despite experiencing different emotions or states of being.

What causes the stress in the Earth's crust?

Stress in the Earth's crust is caused by tectonic forces like plate movements, which create pressure along faults and boundaries where plates meet. This stress can build up over time and be released in the form of earthquakes when the rocks along these fault lines break.

When a truck pulls a trailer the trailer and truck accelerate forward even though the action and reaction forces are the same size but are in opposite directions. Why don't these forces balance each o?

The action and reaction on the tow bar are forces which are internal to the system comprising truck+trailer. They therefore do not affect the motion of that system. The motion of the truck+trailer system is affected by forces acting on the system, not within the system,The fact that the action and reaction between the truck and trailer are balance explains why the trailer does not slam into the truck.

How does chloride helps electrolyte balance?

Chloride helps maintain electrolyte balance by working alongside sodium and potassium to regulate fluid balance within cells and tissues. It plays a crucial role in maintaining proper hydration levels, regulating osmotic pressure, and assisting in nerve function. Imbalances in chloride levels can disrupt overall electrolyte balance and lead to health issues such as dehydration or alkalosis.

What is the process of establishing a mew level of gravitational balance after weight is removed from or added to the crust?

When weight is removed from or added to the crust, the Earth's gravitational field adjusts to reach a new state of equilibrium. This process involves redistributing mass within the Earth to balance the gravitational forces. The adjustment may involve movement of material within the Earth's interior or changes in the shape of the Earthโ€™s surface.

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