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Subtypes of surface waves include Rayleigh waves, which travel along the surface and cause the ground to move elliptically, and Love waves, which cause horizontal shearing motions. These waves are classified based on their motion and behavior as they propagate along the Earth's surface.

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Q: What are the sub type or surface waves?
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What is the sub-type of seismic waves?

The sub-types of seismic waves are primary (P) waves, secondary (S) waves, and surface waves. P waves are the fastest seismic waves and travel through solids, liquids, and gases. S waves are slower than P waves and only travel through solids. Surface waves are slower than both P and S waves and travel along the Earth's surface.

What is the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

When waves strike a surface, they can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed. The type of behavior depends on the properties of the surface and the characteristics of the waves.

What causes a surface wave?

Surface waves are caused by the interaction between seismic waves and the Earth's surface. These waves travel along the Earth's crust and can cause the ground to shake horizontally and vertically. Surface waves are typically the most destructive type of seismic waves during an earthquake.

Water waves that you might see at the beach move in circular or elliptical paths. What type of mechanical waves are water waves?

Water waves are classified as surface waves, which are a type of mechanical wave that travels along the interface between two different media, in this case, the air and water.

Water waves that you might see at the beach move in circular or elliptical paths What type of mechanical waves are water waves?

Water waves are a type of mechanical waves known as surface waves. These waves travel along the boundary between two mediums, such as air and water, and they exhibit both transverse and longitudinal motion as they propagate.

Related questions

What is the sub-type of seismic waves?

The sub-types of seismic waves are primary (P) waves, secondary (S) waves, and surface waves. P waves are the fastest seismic waves and travel through solids, liquids, and gases. S waves are slower than P waves and only travel through solids. Surface waves are slower than both P and S waves and travel along the Earth's surface.

What type of waves are genered by earthquakes?

Primary Waves, Secondary Waves, and Surface Waves.

Which type of waves are combination waves that occur at the boundary between two media?

The type of waves that are combination waves occurring at the boundary between two media are known as interface waves or surface waves. These waves travel along the surface of the medium and are influenced by the properties of both media they are interacting with.

What type of waves are combination waves that occurs at the boundary between two media?

surface waves

Which wave type is formed when the waves reach the Earth's surface?

Surface waves are formed when waves reach the Earth's surface. These are seismic waves that travel along the Earth's surface and can cause the most damage during an earthquake.

What is the most powerful waves from an earthquake?

Love waves are the most strongest type of Earthquakes.

What type of seismic wave can make the ground roll like ocean waves?

Surface waves can cause the ground to roll like ocean waves. Surface waves are a type of seismic wave that travel along the Earth's surface and have a more pronounced effect on buildings and structures compared to other types of seismic waves.

What seismic wave can go through liquid?

Surface waves, specifically Love waves, can travel through liquids. Love waves are a type of surface wave that occurs on the surface of solids, liquids, and gases.

What type of movement does a surface wave have?

surface waves also known as longitudnal waves . they travels at constant speed on the circumference of the earth

Which wave type is formed when the wave reach the earths surface?

L waves are formed when P&S waves reach the surface.

Which wave type is formed when the waves reach the Earths surface?

Surface waves are formed when the waves reach the Earth's surface. These waves travel along the boundary between the Earth and the atmosphere, and they can cause both lateral and vertical movements of the ground.

What is the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

When waves strike a surface, they can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed. The type of behavior depends on the properties of the surface and the characteristics of the waves.