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When a soccer ball is kicked, the main forces acting on it are the force applied by the kicker's foot, gravity pulling the ball downward, and air resistance opposing the ball's motion through the air. Additionally, there may be frictional forces between the ball and the ground upon impact.

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Q: What are the forces of a soccerball when it is kicked?
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What are the forces on a kicked soccer ball balanced or unbalanced How do you know?

The forces on a kicked soccer ball are unbalanced because the force of the kick is greater than the force of air resistance initially. This causes the ball to accelerate and move in the direction of the kick. Once the ball reaches a constant speed, the forces become balanced.

When a soccer ball is kicked the action and reaction forces do not cancel each other out because?

the forces are acting on different objects - the player kicking the ball and the ball itself. The player applies a force to the ball, causing it to accelerate, while the ball exerts an equal and opposite force back on the player. These forces result in the ball moving in one direction and the player experiencing a reaction force in the opposite direction.

Why does the ball spins?

The spin of a ball is caused by the forces acting on it, such as when it is kicked or thrown. Asymmetries in the ball's shape or the surface it interacts with can also contribute to its spin. This spinning motion affects the ball's trajectory and stability in flight.

When a ball is kicked which friction does it undergo?

When a ball is kicked, it undergoes both static friction as it grips the ground before being kicked, and kinetic friction as it moves through the air and comes into contact with the surrounding air particles.

What factors can affect the value of the horizontal velocity of the ball?

Factors that can affect the value of the horizontal velocity of a ball include the initial speed at which the ball was thrown or kicked, the angle at which it was launched, air resistance, and any external forces acting on the ball such as friction or gravity.

Related questions

What will happen to a soccerball when it is kicked?

the soccer ball will move because a force has acted on it.

What is the possible miles per hour of a kicked soccer ball?

A soccer ball can travel at speeds of up to 70-80 miles per hour when kicked by a professional player with proper technique and power.

What forces are used when a football is kicked?

gravity and friction.

What is the best soccerball 2010?

Well, the best soccerball in 2010 is, drumroll....... Jabulani!!!!

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What shape is a soccerball?

It s circular

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What is the function of a soccerball?

to play soccer

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Football or Soccerball

What are the forces on a kicked soccer ball balanced or unbalanced How do you know?

The forces on a kicked soccer ball are unbalanced because the force of the kick is greater than the force of air resistance initially. This causes the ball to accelerate and move in the direction of the kick. Once the ball reaches a constant speed, the forces become balanced.

What is the mathematical name for a soccerball?

Truncated Icosahedron