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Mechanical waves are produced by the vibration of particles in a medium. This vibration causes the particles to transfer energy to neighboring particles, creating a wave that propagates through the medium. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

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What kind of wave does a jackhammer make?

A jackhammer produces mechanical or sound waves. The mechanical waves are produced by the physical vibrations of the jackhammer, while the sound waves are generated by the noise it produces as a result of these vibrations.

Are vocal sounds mechanical waves?

Yes, vocal sounds are produced by vibrations of the vocal cords, creating mechanical waves that travel through the air and are heard as sound by our ears.

What is the difference of electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate and can travel through a vacuum, whereas mechanical waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through. Electromagnetic waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, while mechanical waves are produced by the vibration of particles in the medium. Electromagnetic waves can travel at the speed of light, while the speed of mechanical waves depends on the properties of the medium.

If an astronaut uses a wrench on the space station and outside it will sound be produced at all?

no a sound will not be produced because sound waves cannot travel through empty space they are mechanical waves

What is difference between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves?

Mechanical Waves:1.Mechanical waves need a material medium for their propagation.2.These waves are produced due to the vibrations of the particles of the medium.3.They have low speed.Electromagnetic Waves:1.Electromagnetic waves do not need any material medium for their propagation.2.They are caused due to change in electric and magnetic fields.3.They have high speed.

What do you call waves that require a medium A electromagnetic waves or B mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves, shock waves, etc.

Is sound waves mechanical or waves?


What medium do mechanical waves need?

Mechanical waves need a material medium, such as air, water, or solids, to travel through. These waves rely on the vibration and movement of particles in the medium to propagate energy from one location to another.

Are vocal sounds mechanical or electromagnetic?

Vocal sounds are mechanical in nature. They are produced by the vibration of vocal cords in the larynx and then propagated through the air as sound waves. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, are a different type of wave that includes light and radio waves.

What kind of energy does a bell use?

A bell typically uses mechanical energy that is produced by striking or vibrating the bell itself. The sound produced by the bell is a result of this mechanical energy being converted into sound waves.

How em waves different from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium while Electromagnetic waves does not.

What is another name for mechanical waves?

Another name for mechanical waves is elastic waves.