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Yes, wave tides energy refers to the energy harnessed from the rising and falling of tides, typically using tidal turbines. Ocean wave energy, on the other hand, involves capturing the kinetic and potential energy from ocean surface waves using wave energy converters. Both sources utilize wave motion but capture it differently.

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Q: Is wave tides energy different then ocean wave energy?
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How does ocean energy produces electricity?

Ocean energy can be harnessed using various technologies, such as tidal energy, wave energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion. Tidal energy uses the natural rise and fall of the tides to generate electricity through underwater turbines. Wave energy captures the kinetic energy of ocean waves using buoys or other devices. Ocean thermal energy conversion utilizes the temperature difference between warm surface waters and cold deep waters to drive a power cycle and produce electricity.

Is wave power and tidle power the same?

No, wave power and tidal power are not the same. Wave power generates electricity from the movement of ocean waves, while tidal power generates electricity from the rise and fall of tides caused by gravitational forces from the moon and the sun. Both are forms of renewable energy from the ocean, but they harness different sources of energy.

What kind of energy does ocean wave possesses?

Ocean waves possess mechanical energy, which is a form of kinetic energy associated with the movement of the water molecules. This energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity through wave energy converters to generate power.

What is the medium through which an ocean wave will travel?

An ocean wave will travel through a medium of water, with the energy of the wave causing the water particles to move in a circular orbit as the wave passes through. This movement transfers the energy of the wave across the water's surface.

What describes the cause of waves in the ocean?

Waves in the ocean are mainly caused by the wind transferring energy to the water's surface. When the wind blows over the water, it creates friction, causing the water to move in ripples that develop into waves. Other factors like tides, earthquakes, and underwater landslides can also contribute to wave formation in the ocean.

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How are dry land tides different from ocean tides?

Ocean tides are controlled by the moon's gravitational pull on the worlds oceans, a current is the flow of water in a somewhat circular system. a tide is like taking a bowl of water and tilting it so that one side is deeper that the other, and a current is like taking a mixer to it and stirring it around.

Is ocean energy the same as tidal and wave energy?

Tidal energy refers to energy from the changing tides of the ocean, and wave energy refers to the energy carried in oceanic waves. Ocean energy is a very vague and incorrect term, although if you have heard it, it probably refers to those. There is lots of energy in the ocean, and to say ocean energy would be pretty ignorant. There is also energy in its living creatures, in its temperature differences, in the currents that affect global weather patterns. There is also energy in all the chemical bonds in every molecule of every single thing in the ocean that we simply choose to overlook.

How does ocean energy produces electricity?

Ocean energy can be harnessed using various technologies, such as tidal energy, wave energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion. Tidal energy uses the natural rise and fall of the tides to generate electricity through underwater turbines. Wave energy captures the kinetic energy of ocean waves using buoys or other devices. Ocean thermal energy conversion utilizes the temperature difference between warm surface waters and cold deep waters to drive a power cycle and produce electricity.

Is wave power and tidle power the same?

No, wave power and tidal power are not the same. Wave power generates electricity from the movement of ocean waves, while tidal power generates electricity from the rise and fall of tides caused by gravitational forces from the moon and the sun. Both are forms of renewable energy from the ocean, but they harness different sources of energy.

What kind of energy does ocean wave possesses?

Ocean waves possess mechanical energy, which is a form of kinetic energy associated with the movement of the water molecules. This energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity through wave energy converters to generate power.

What wave are ocean waves?

Ocean waves are tides produced due to low pressure in the sea from center (SEA)towards outside

How a wave is made?

the moon's gravity pulls at the ocean makeing tides wich in turn make waves

Why is an ocean wave classified as a surface wave?

The energy moves, not the water

Why is tide and wave energy considered renewable resources?

Tide and wave energy are considered renewable resources because they are driven by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, which are constant natural phenomena. These energy sources rely on the regular and predictable movements of the ocean, making them inexhaustible and sustainable in the long term.

What is the medium through which an ocean wave will travel?

An ocean wave will travel through a medium of water, with the energy of the wave causing the water particles to move in a circular orbit as the wave passes through. This movement transfers the energy of the wave across the water's surface.

What describes the cause of waves in the ocean?

Waves in the ocean are mainly caused by the wind transferring energy to the water's surface. When the wind blows over the water, it creates friction, causing the water to move in ripples that develop into waves. Other factors like tides, earthquakes, and underwater landslides can also contribute to wave formation in the ocean.