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No, in a longitudinal wave, the energy is transferred through the compression and rarefaction of the medium particles, rather than being absorbed by the spring. The spring may help transmit the wave, but it does not absorb the energy of the wave.

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Q: Is the energy being absorbed by the spring in a longitudinal wave?
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When energy is being given off, it is released in the form of heat, light, or sound depending on the source. When energy is being absorbed, it is taken in and used to perform work or to trigger chemical reactions.

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When a wave is being absorbed, its amplitude decreases as energy is transferred to the absorbing medium. This results in a reduction of the wave's intensity and amplitude as it loses energy.

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Releasing a compressed spring is an example of kinetic energy being converted to potential energy. When the spring is released, the potential energy stored in the compressed spring is transformed into kinetic energy as the spring expands and moves.

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The release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy is known as fluorescence. This phenomenon occurs when the absorbed energy is re-emitted as light instead of being dissipated as heat.

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A wound-up spring possesses such energy?

Yes, a wound-up spring possesses potential energy due to the stored mechanical energy from being wound up. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy when the spring unwinds and moves.

What is an example of sound being absorbed?

An example of sound being absorbed is when sound waves hit a soft surface like a carpet or acoustic foam, causing the material to absorb the sound energy rather than reflecting it back into the room. This absorption helps to reduce the overall noise level in a space by converting sound energy into heat energy.