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High sounds are usually heard when you play the keys of a piano that are on your right; they have shorter wavelengths than low sounds. Low sounds are usually heard when the keys on a piano's left end are played; they have long wavelengths. Soft sounds are quiet and can't render your ears deaf. Loud sounds that are over 85 decibels can damage your hearing.

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High sounds are characterized by a higher frequency, while low sounds have a lower frequency. Loudness is determined by the amplitude of the sound wave, with loud sounds having a greater amplitude and softer sounds having a lower amplitude.

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Q: How can you differentiate between high and loud sounds and low and soft sounds?
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Are high pitched sounds loud or soft?

High pitched sounds tend to be perceived as loud because of their higher frequency. The intensity of a sound wave, which contributes to loudness, can vary regardless of pitch.

What are some Sounds with a high amplitude?

Thunderclaps, explosions, and loud concerts are examples of sounds with high amplitudes. These sounds have strong pressure waves that create powerful vibrations in the air.

Can loud sounds make you ill?

Yes, some continuous loud sounds are related to hypertension (high blood pressure). In addition, sounds outside the audible range can make some people nauseous, etc., even if they are not all that loud. Loud sounds if sudden, sharp and loud enough, may damage your ear drums. An loud sounds experienced over a long enough period of time can damage your hearing.

How do you tell the difference between loud and quiet sounds?

Loud sounds are high in volume and can often be heard from far away, while quiet sounds are low in volume and may only be heard at close range. You can use a decibel meter to measure the sound levels and determine if they are loud or quiet.

How do spiders react to loud sounds?

it's not so much as loud sounds, but high frequency, or high-pitched sounds.certain bp levels of sound can cause spiders to move in certain patterns, but if the bp level is too high,it could kill the spider.

What do you understand by loud and soft sound?

A loud sound has a high intensity and volume, while a soft sound has a low intensity and volume. Loud sounds are typically heard as being strong or forceful, while soft sounds are more gentle or subdued.

Do high pitched sounds damage hearing?

it depends on how loud the pitch is some pitches are not harmful but they are so high we can hear them i think these type of sounds at a pitch very high are called infrared sound?

How does human produce loud sounds?

By vibration of vocal chords.. High frequency of vibration/low pitch = sweet sound Low frequency of vibration/high pitch = harsh sound High amplitude = loud sound

What As people age and are exposed to loud sounds they lose some of their hearing in the high frequencies.?

As people age and are exposed to loud sounds, the hair cells in the inner ear can become damaged, leading to a loss of sensitivity to high-frequency sounds. This condition is known as presbycusis, which is a common form of age-related hearing loss. It is important to protect your ears from loud noises to prevent further damage.

Are high pitched sounds bad for your ear?

Yes. Loud noise can cause a person to go deaf

What are instrumental sounds?

Loud sounds instruments

What sounds do bees hate?

Bees are particularly sensitive to high-frequency sounds, such as those produced by lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and certain power tools. They can also be agitated by loud noises and vibrations near their hive, so it's best to keep noise levels low when working around bees.