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Yes it sure can. If the wind is blowing tword you and say your kicking a soccerball, its not going to go far depending on the wind resistance.

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4mo ago

Air resistance can reduce the speed of a bouncing ball upon impact with the ground, resulting in a lower bounce height. The drag force from air resistance opposes the upward motion of the ball, thereby decreasing the energy transferred during the bounce. Overall, greater air resistance can lead to a shorter and less energetic bounce.

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Why do smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger bouncy balls?

Smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger ones because they have less mass and experience less air resistance when they bounce. This allows them to conserve more of their initial energy and bounce higher with each rebound.

Why do small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls?

Small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls because they are made from materials with higher elasticity, allowing them to store and release more energy during impact. Their size and lightweight also contribute to their increased bounce height as they experience less air resistance.

- Does the air pressure of different balls effect the distance?

Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.

Why do balls bounce to different heights?

Balls bounce to different heights because of the material they are made of, their elasticity, and the surface they bounce on. The more elastic the material, the higher the bounce. The surface also plays a role, as softer surfaces absorb more of the energy, resulting in a lower bounce. Additionally, factors like air pressure and the angle at which the ball impacts the surface can affect the height of the bounce.

What variables do you think might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce?

Variables that might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce include the material of the ball, the surface it bounces on, the height from which it is dropped, and the elasticity of the ball. Other factors may include air resistance, temperature, and any external forces acting on the ball during the bounce.

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Why do smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger bouncy balls?

Smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger ones because they have less mass and experience less air resistance when they bounce. This allows them to conserve more of their initial energy and bounce higher with each rebound.

Why do small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls?

Small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls because they are made from materials with higher elasticity, allowing them to store and release more energy during impact. Their size and lightweight also contribute to their increased bounce height as they experience less air resistance.

- Does the air pressure of different balls effect the distance?

Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.

Why do balls bounce to different heights?

Balls bounce to different heights because of the material they are made of, their elasticity, and the surface they bounce on. The more elastic the material, the higher the bounce. The surface also plays a role, as softer surfaces absorb more of the energy, resulting in a lower bounce. Additionally, factors like air pressure and the angle at which the ball impacts the surface can affect the height of the bounce.

What variables do you think might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce?

Variables that might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce include the material of the ball, the surface it bounces on, the height from which it is dropped, and the elasticity of the ball. Other factors may include air resistance, temperature, and any external forces acting on the ball during the bounce.

Do ball need air to bounds?

do you mean, Do balls need air to bounce? Yes

How are tennis balls affected by environment?

Tennis balls are affected by the environment in a few ways. The environment can affect how it bounces. Warm air makes the ball expand causing it to have a higher bounce. Cold air makes the ball contract and can make it harder to bounce.

How does surface area affect air resistance?

air resistance affects

How quickly do tennis balls lose their bounce?

Tennis balls bounce because the air pressure inside is higher than the outside pressure. They begin to lose bounce as soon as removed from their pressure can. The alititude where the ball is played will affect the bounce. As they are played, they lose more bounce. Typically, they lose too much bounce to play after about 3 sets of recreational (amateur) tennis, or 8 games of professional tennis.

Does air affect how high a ball will bounce?

* yes

What affect the bounce of a basketball?

The pressure from the air inside of it

How does cold air affect the bounce of a tennis ball?

it decreases it