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Good: Wave power is renewable and environmentally friendly, producing clean energy without greenhouse gas emissions. It also has the potential to provide a consistent source of energy as waves are a steady and predictable resource.

Bad: The technology for harnessing wave power is still relatively expensive and can be disruptive to marine ecosystems. Additionally, the energy output can be variable depending on weather conditions, which may impact its reliability as a primary energy source.

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Q: What are the good and bad things about wave power?
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How does good and bad differ from each other?

Good and bad are moral distinctions that are based on the ethical principles and values of a society or individual. Good is often associated with actions that are beneficial, just, or morally right, while bad refers to actions that are harmful, unjust, or morally wrong. These concepts provide a framework for evaluating behavior and making decisions about what is considered acceptable or unacceptable.

How do you compare two things when one is bad and the another is good?

You can compare two things based on specific criteria to determine which one is better or worse. Consider factors like quality, cost, efficiency, effectiveness, or impact. Evaluate the positive aspects of the good thing against the negative aspects of the bad thing to make a sound comparison.

What is the opposite of good idea?

The opposite of a good idea would be a bad idea. Depending on how bad you could also say terrible idea.

Did John Locke think mankind was good or bad - and why?

John Locke believed that mankind was inherently good. He argued that individuals were born as a blank slate, or tabula rasa, with the capacity for reason and moral behavior. Locke believed that society and upbringing influenced human behavior more than innate tendencies towards evil.

What is the difference between good and bad morals?

Good morals are values and principles that promote positive behaviors, such as honesty, kindness, and respect for others. Bad morals, on the other hand, encompass behaviors that are harmful, dishonest, or disrespectful, such as lying, stealing, and harming others. Good morals contribute to a harmonious society, while bad morals can lead to conflict and harm.

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It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.

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