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The human body energy production can be Aerobic or anaerobic, (with or without oxygen)

While anaerobic effort, is a short time effort such as Weightlifting needs a large quantity of energy over a very short time it is produced differently in our cells.

running a mile needs Aerobic energy production -

it is the use of a lot of oxygen during time to produce energy. and the heart, blood system and breathing system needs to adjust to Aerobic production of energy, its like gears in a car...

Another reason is muscle function and flexibility - wormed up muscle are more flexible and can preform better and safer.

Both anaerobic and aerobic modes are crucial for survival.

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Q: Why do you do warm ups before you do an activity?
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Does anyone have any ideas for exercise warm ups?

Yes do Some Static Stretches, Then A Skilled Activity.

Why should a warm up form part of your fitness routine?

Warm-ups should be done because they ease the muscles into a state where a lot of pulling and stretching can ensue; if one does not warm up before exercising, their muscles will not be ready for so much activity and they may be excessively tired after exercise, or even hurt.

Why do ballet dancers do warm ups for?

Ballet dancers do warm ups because unless you have stretched before a class, your body isn't fully prepared to start dancing. You have to stretch in order to do bigger moves!

Why is it important to do warm ups before doing athletics?

It is important to do warm ups before doing athletics so that one's system can be limbered up. Warm up exercises reduces the aches and pains that can be associated with athletics. They also increase circulation in a gradual manner thus preparing ones system for the actual work out.

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Why should you stretch before activity?

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Warm ups you should do before you start playing soccer?

Soccer Warm-up exercises are very important. It helps to prevent muscle strain and injury when playing for a full 90 minutes.

What is a good warm up for cricketers?

There are a few good warm ups that cricketers can do before playing. They can walk or jog, do core work or stretching, and perform skill exercises like netting and doing drills.

How should one warm up before push ups?

stretching your body legs and arms, makke sure your ready for some tough lifting :)

Are wall sits an aerobic activity?

No, sit ups are anaerobic