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It's not for everyone but some people enjoy it very much and some people hate it. You have to be able to accept Classical Music and fine arts.

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Q: Who would watch ballet?
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How do you know if your friend is lying about doing ballet and ice skating?

Take them ice skating or watch them do ballet.

Can you teach pig ballet?

yes it's easy look it up on youtube watch me teach my pig ballet

Where can you watch for free the ballet fancy free?


Who would dance to ballet?

Ballet Dancers

How has ballet affected society?

Ballet is a performing art. It's very nice to watch and an enjoyable way to express your feelings.

What sport did ballet originate from?

Ballet was not originated from a sport, but more of the dances the jesters did in the kingdom. Dancers usually dont show the whole back of their body because the kings would watch from the front and it was disrespectful and vulgar to show the backside.

Where can you watch for free the ballet version of Sleeping Beauty?

If you go to and search "Sleeping Beauty ballet" you will get many clips of different scenes...

Where can one watch videos of the nutcracker ballet?

People can watch videos of the nutcracker ballet online on YouTube or the Guardian news papers online review page. People could also get tickets to auditorium viewing.

What is better the Russian ballet or English ballet?

It depends on your favorite type of dance. If you like more modern ballet, you would go with the English ballet. If you enjoy classical ballet, you would probably vote Russian. Personally, I like both.

Diffences between 20th century ballet and classical ballet?

20th century ballet is more modern than the typical plie, tondue, arabesk. It has awkward movements and turned in feet with arms out of typical position. The best way to put it is "Breaking Boundaries" a more contemporary dance than classical ballet. Contemporary ballet, you should watch it to understand more :) here's a link --->

What is ballet designed to do?

Ballet is designed to take an audience away from reality, even if its for a few hours. Story Ballet does what it say, portrays a story threw music and movements. And there are ballets choreographed merely to watch and be amazed by.

When do they perform ballet?

well it depends on the ballet their are a lot of shows such like the nutcracker and taming of the shrew and much more you should Google the ballet companies you want to watch preform and look at their show dates.hopes this helped :)