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Isadora Duncan

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Q: Who was the most significant of the late 19th century detractors of the Romantic tradition in ballet?
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mid 19th-early 20th century

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their dresses

What is the style of the romantic period?

The style of the romantic period is during the 18th century where films and stories were released with romance! The style of the romantic period is during the 18th century where films and stories were released with romance!

What era did Richard Wagner live in?

Romantic era.

How was valentine's created?

He was birthed from his mother. Valentine's day is in honor of Saint Valentine. The holiday originally had no romantic context at all, that was until the 14th century came around, "when the tradition of courtly love flourished".

What musical time period was Gustav Mahler from?

He lived in the late romantic period and 20th century.

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How many years did the romantic era last?

Romantic EraThe Romantic Era lasted from 1850 to 1920. so it lasted 70 years. It was marked by artistic freedom. creativity and experimentation.

When did the ground hog tradition start?

in the fifth century

What is the difference between classical and romantic ballet?

The difference between classical ballet and romantic ballet is that romantic ballet was created in the 19th century, whereas Classical ballet was created in the 17th century. In the 18th century, women played secondary roles as dancers. They wore corsets, wigs, high heels, and hoops. Also, the difference was the music and the way they danced. In classical there were less men than in romantic ballet. Romantic= Interests in men, nature, higher powers, past, and other places. Free expressive and emotional. Classical= All the opposite of romantic