there was the only bestest dancer in the world and he was { Michael Jackson]
no one can be like him , he was born one no one can chase him even after his death,
A soloist dancer doesnt get the main parts but can, they r good. The princibles are the best of the best
Hrithik Roshan is the best dancer of all time. Since his first movie, Kahona Pyar, everyone has praised his dance in Ek pal ka jeena, not to mention the reviews and programs in which he dancd.
Kira holden
Simrin Player!
she is worlds best ever female dancer.... she rox
Chris Brown!!
The worlds greatest dancer is Hrithik Roshan
lwona is the worlds best ballet dancer
im not sure but in Miley Cyrus' best of both worlds 3d tour Mandy was a back up dancer.
There are MANY talented ones. It's very hard to pick just one ballet dancer out of all these that are the best, but you can tell if a dancer is exceptional if she has been made, Prima Ballerina Assolouta. Here are some of the best: Svetlana Zakaharova Sylvie Guillieum Polina Semionova Marianela Nunez Alina Cojocaru
Columbus is the worlds best explorer.
Well not in WWE but in WWF grandmaster sexay.. Was the best dancer ev hello this dalton im just improving this answer grandmaster sexay is a great dancer but the real best dancer in the wwf is rikishi
A soloist dancer doesnt get the main parts but can, they r good. The princibles are the best of the best
Hrithik Roshan is the best dancer of all time. Since his first movie, Kahona Pyar, everyone has praised his dance in Ek pal ka jeena, not to mention the reviews and programs in which he dancd.
The Best of Two Worlds was created in 1976.