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Well, it all goes back 100's of years but King Louis the 14th ordered, i believe, Paul Bauchamps (im not sure abt the name!) to organize Ballet so that everyone in the world would dance it the same way.

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Q: Who is the founder of ballet?
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Who was the founder of ballet?

Dame Ninette de Valois, founder of The Royal Ballet

Founder choreographer of the Royal Ballet?

Sir Frederick Ashton was the founder choreographer of the Royal Ballet.

Who was the founder choreographer of the Royal Ballet?

Sir Frederick Ashton

Who was the founder of classical ballet?

Catherine de' Medici in th 10th century!

Who was Celia Franca?

Celia Franca was the founder of The National Ballet of Canada in 1951, which is the largest ballet group of Canada. She was its artistic director for 24 years.

Who was the first black man to dance for a major ballet companyand also the founder of the dance theater of Harlem?

Arthur Mitchell

What was Martha Graham's main accomplishment?

She is considered by some to be the founder of modern dance. It was a radical change from ballet a more formal kind of dance.

Who was the Russian founder of ballet?

Pyotor Illyich Tchaicovsky was technically the russian founder of ballet music in that he brought the music off the ballroom dance floor and onto the stage by writing intricate, complex masterpieces which thus inspired more intense, complex dances; before he did this, ballet music was seen as something demeaning for a composer to write as the music was second to the dance, as opposed to being valued equally. Typically, before this, ballets were considered "fillers" in operas, interjected into the performance to make room for costume changes and the like. Tchaicovksy's first ballet was "Swan Lake", which is also considered the first ballet piece to be composed by a symphonic composer.

Who was the founder of American Ballet Theater?

It was founded in 1939 by Lucia Chase and Richard Pleasan. Originally, though, it was the Mordkin Theatre founded by Mikhail Morkin.

Who founded the New York city ballet?

Lincoln Kirstein was the co-founder and administrative head of the New York City Ballet. He was born in 1907 and died in 1996 and has been acknowledged as one of the most important influences in the development of 20th century American culture.

When did Suzanne farell die?

She did not die. She is the founder of the ballet company which makes their home in the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. She just gave a class on November 8, 2009!

What are 4 ballet groups?

American Ballet Theatre, the Pennsylvania Ballet, The Kirov Ballet and the Bolshoi Ballet