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Ballet began in the 15th century in Italy with the Lombard school of dance. "Ballo" was the generic name for pantomimed dance. In the 16th century in Florence ballet found a new popularity and was used for all occasions that were celebrated.

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Q: Which country is ballet from?
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What country has the best ballet?

the best country for ballet is is is russa and France

Which country did ballet start in?

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What country did ballet begin?

Ballet began in France and Russia.

What continent or country is ballet linked to?

Ballet is international, as are all the arts. None are particularly country specific.

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Russia is the international center of Ballet

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What country does ballet come from?


Which country is famous ballet?

Two of the most famous countries for ballet are France and Russia.

Which country do we associate the Kirov Ballet with?

The Kirov ballet is a Russian ballet school but they do have a program in Washington D.C. The Kirov has also just been changed to the Marrinski Ballet.