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Ballet came from France. If you check out the names, all of them are in French!!

^ actually it came from Italy in the renaissance period (15th century)

the terms are in french because after it was invented it travelled to France and has changes vastly over the years

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Q: Where did ballet came from?
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Where did the ballet come from?

Ballet came from Italy

Were did ballet come from?

Ballet first came from Italy.

Where ballet dance originated from?

Ballet originally came from France.

Why did ballet begin?

Ballet came from FRANCE probably because a lot of BALLET words are FRENCH.France is in Europe.

Where did the word ballet came from?

It was French...

When did ballet get its name?

Ballet is a French word that came from the word ballare. (to dance or move)

Where did dance come about?

Ballet dancing came from France and that's why all ballet steps are in french but other kinds of dancing came from different places of the world

Can you give me some interesting about ballet?

It placed as the hardest sport in the world. Football came in third, that's where the saying "If ballet was any easier it would be football." came from.

Where was ballet first invented?

It was discovered in Iltaly and France but mostly ilatly. And ballet is a art , a image that came to life :D

Who was ballet resurrected by?

I am not sure what you mean by "resurected" as ballet was never dead in the first place, however if you are refering to the entrance of ballet to mainstream culture,King Louis the Fourtenth held the worlds first ballet school and did much to devlope the dance form. This is why Ballet termanoligy is in french, not italian, even though the rough concept of ballet came from italy.

Did hiphop evolve in any other styles of dance?

hip hop came from ballet.

In what ways does dancing help you?

dancing helps you by knowing that you know diffrent types of dance. so if your teacher came up to you and said what do you know abought ballet? you could say i know that in ballet you use ballet shoes so that is why danceing helps you.