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Ghost dance was made in 1981 by christopher Bruce.

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Q: When was ghost dances choreographed?
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What song is ghost dances choreographed to?


Who Choreographed ghost dancing?

Ghost dances were choreographed by Christopher Bruce in 1981. This was after he got a message from Victor Jara's wife, Joan Jara. This was after Victor was murdered for being against the Chilian Human Rights. This was because he did not agree with them Hope this helps you out :)

When was Ghost Dances set?

What is the accompaniment of Ghost Dances ?

What are two dances sonia tayeh choreographed?

Sonia Tayeh choreographed Chelsie & Gev's contemporary dance in season four called "These arms of mines" by Otis Redding

Who is shobana jayasingh?

Shobana Jeyasingh is a famous dancer who has choreographed aloud of dances and then shown them across the global like one of her dances "Fault Line".

Where was ghost dances by christopher Bruce set?

ghost dances was set in Chile in south America.

Name the costume designer of ghost dances?

The costume designer for Ghost dances by Christopher Bruce was : Belinda Scarlet

Who is the set designer of Christopher Bruce's Ghost Dances?

Christopher Bruce designed his own set for ghost dances.

Who is the set designer Christopher Bruce's ghost dances?

Christopher Bruce designed his own set for ghost dances.

What is the music use in ghost dances?

The Ghost Dance Song.

What dances did the Shawnee do?

Ghost Dance.

Who was the ghost dance creator?

If you mean the dance work ghost dancers then Christopher Bruce choreographed it :) if not, then sorry :) Hope This Helps :) x