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Some words accociated with Ballet are graceful, flexible, strong, elegant, delicate, lyrical, poetic, and beautiful.

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Q: What words would you asossciate with ballet?
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Give you some sample ballet words?

some ballet words would be arabesque, devant, fondu, grand battement, glissade, jeté

Why did ballet begin?

Ballet came from FRANCE probably because a lot of BALLET words are FRENCH.France is in Europe.

What language does ballet terminology use?

Most of the words in ballet are French.

Who would dance to ballet?

Ballet Dancers

What is the difference between the Original Romeo and Juliet and the Ballet version?

Words. Shakespeare has them. Ballet does not.

Is ballet start in France?

No, it actually didn't, even though the Classical Ballet words are in French. Classical Ballet first started in Italy!

Can you teach yourself ballet?

I do not think you can. There are so many things you can learn. All the words used in ballet are french so you would need to learn those words. You need to be able to point out the details used in ballet. For example, in jazz, when you do a pirohuette turn, your leg by your knee is parallel and in ballet it is turned out. In ballet you all ways use opposites too. Also, you need to learn all the positions. When you do a performance, you don't always smile too. So you probally could not teach yourself ballet.

Where did words and moves associated with ballet originate from?

France---they are French words.

What is better the Russian ballet or English ballet?

It depends on your favorite type of dance. If you like more modern ballet, you would go with the English ballet. If you enjoy classical ballet, you would probably vote Russian. Personally, I like both.

What level would you go to in ballet if im 14 and only starting now?

You would enter a teen beginning ballet or a young adult ballet class.

What is the script for Clara in the nutcracker?

There is no script for Clara. The Nutcracker is a ballet, and a ballet's story is communicated through dance, not words.

Where does the word ballet originate?

Ballet was originated many years ago. Most of the steps in ballet today are said in french, so I would say that ballet is french.