Ballet started in the 1500's with what is considered to be the first ballet called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" which is French for "The Comic Ballet of the Queen".
Ballet first started in the early 1600's
King Louis XIV, originator of ballet as a dance and art form, was a male. Male dancers were more common than females when ballet first started.
Ballet was first introduced in the US in 1901 when The Ballet Russe, a Russian technique company started touring and perfroming in the states.
Ballet was not introduced to Russia, that's where ballet started
Ballet started in the 1500's with what is considered to be the first ballet called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" which is French for "The Comic Ballet of the Queen".
Louis the XIV started the first ballet school in France
Ballet first started in the early 1600's
Ballet started in France, which is why all ballet terms are in French.
Russia started ballet..............................
In 1661 by Louis XIV
Ballet (basically) in Italy, but started to evolve into the ballet we know today in the courts of King Louis the 14th of France.
No, it actually didn't, even though the Classical Ballet words are in French. Classical Ballet first started in Italy!
Difficult to say, but the very first recorded water ballet was 1891 in Berlin, Germany.
King Louis XIV, originator of ballet as a dance and art form, was a male. Male dancers were more common than females when ballet first started.
Ballet was first introduced in the US in 1901 when The Ballet Russe, a Russian technique company started touring and perfroming in the states.
Ballet was not introduced to Russia, that's where ballet started