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Q: What language is ballet written in?
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What language were the systematize rules for ballet written in for the royal academy of dance in 1661?

Don't you mean, "In what language was the systemised rules for Ballet written; for the Royal Academy of Dance in 1661?"

What language does ballet terminology use?

Most of the words in ballet are French.

What language is Ballet terminology?

The brunt of ballet terminology is French. When using Russian technique there are also additional terms in that language.

What is the origin language of ballet?


What language does ballet originate from?


What has the author Arthur Harold Ballet written?

Arthur Harold Ballet has written: 'Playwrights for tomorrow'

What Stravinsky ballet starts with ago?

The ballet is called Agon. It was his last ballet and was written in 1957.

What has the author Hans Verwer written?

Hans Verwer has written: 'Prisma balletboek' -- subject(s): Ballet 'Guide to the ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet

What has the author Rudolf Betz written?

Rudolf Betz has written: 'Dynamisches Ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet

What has the author William Chappell written?

William Chappell has written: 'Studies in ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet

What has the author James Audsley written?

James Audsley has written: 'The book of ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet

What has the author David Koning written?

David Koning has written: 'Levend ballet' -- subject(s): Ballet 'Danskunst zonder meer' -- subject(s): Ballet