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you will need pink tights, and a black leotard. Wear your hair in a tight bun with no hairs hanging in your face. For guys, usually black jazz pants with a white wife beater or t-shirt (black Ballet shoes)

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Q: What kind of clothes do you need for ballet danceing?
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What do you need for ballet?

To start a ballet class you will need dance clothes(usually a leotard and tights but they differ with teachers) ballet shoes either leather satin or canvas(preferences differ with teacher as well) a dance bag to keep your things in and most importantly an open mind and willingness to learn!

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spacing is important in dance because you need to think about space when you are danceing

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What shoes do you need for ballet?

Soft, leather ballet shoes

What do you need to beable to do ballet?

You need to be very physically fit, be physically flexible and have good balance. You will need ballet shoes, and it would also be a really good idea to enter ballet school to get taught properly how to perform ballet.

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Well first of all you need to learn how to spll. It is spelled Dansing

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make sure you where long sleved clothes because of the animals and you dont wera bright clothes to attract the animals

Do you have to break in ballet slippers?

You don't need to break in ballet flats, but you do need to break in pointe shoes.

Who is a current ballet dancer?

Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.

What do i need for ballet?

Leotard, tights, ballet flats, and pins for a hair bun.

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tank top shorts and definetley a waterbottle

What equipment do you need to dance ballet?

The main equiptment you need is passion and dedication. Ballet can be very time consuming, you must be aware of that. You will also need pink ballet shoes, pink tights, and a leotard(preferably black).