There is a variation in Giselle where the girl does hops on pointe. I've done this variation before, but I cant remember the exact variation name.
It's called a "variation."
in ballet there are different techneics and pointe shoes are to dance on toeand to work your ankles. so really, there is no meaning, its just a techneic or another form of ballet.
ballet originated in italy, but the french noticed it and used it for themselves. the word ballet originated from the word ballare, meaning 'dance' in latin.
I think you means "secret ballot," which has to do with voting.
There is a variation in Giselle where the girl does hops on pointe. I've done this variation before, but I cant remember the exact variation name.
It's called a "variation."
in ballet there are different techneics and pointe shoes are to dance on toeand to work your ankles. so really, there is no meaning, its just a techneic or another form of ballet.
a terre
coefficient of variation
ballet originated in italy, but the french noticed it and used it for themselves. the word ballet originated from the word ballare, meaning 'dance' in latin.
It's a split mix of hockey and dance (ballet specifically). Basically, girls used to do ballet, and some girls did hockey on ice. They finally created figure skating by combining the two, using the "on ice" in the hockey part, and the dancing in the ballet.
ballet dancer, ballerina
variation means to be different also the meaning is used in science