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An artistic convention is a method or style of conveying or portraying something that is widely used and recognized as meaning a certain thing (or conforming to a certain style).

For example, in recent movies and television shows, when you see slightly jumpy, jerky camera work (Battlestar Galactica and The Bourne movies come immediately to mind), the method of filming emulates a handheld camera, and most viewers recognize that it is intended to convey a more realistic setting and serquence of events.

A more mundane example is when someone turns out the lights on a TV show, then we see them getting up or getting ready in the morning. The convention is that turning out the lights meant everyone went to sleep (or did other things), and now it's morning. Kind of obvious, but that's one conventional way of showing that night passed on TV.


As a history student, to me artistic convention is that which appeared or reappeared during the renaissance. I.e symbols such as scales representing justice which the Romans liked to use and many western country courts now.

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12y ago

its like a series of dance classes, sometimes audition style, but you take classes with our age group and other dancers and perform what you learn, and like pros teach. also all styles of dance

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Where people bring art pictures.

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