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Round of the leg

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Q: What is the definition of a rond de jambe in ballet?
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Ballet half circle made with foot?

I think you're talking about a rond de jambe. There are many different "ways" to do a rond de jambe: Rond de jambe à terre, Rond de jambe en l'air, Grand rond de jambe, etc.

What is it called when ballet half circles made by the pointed foot?

Rond de jambe

What is a rond de jambe with a spin?


Ballet steps that start with R?

Releve- to rise Rond de jambe- circle of the leg Retire- to withdraw those are some

What is ballet term for circling of the foot?

A Rond de Jambe is where you start with your foot in front of you then you circle it to the side then to the back. Or starting in the back and circling to the front.

What is a basic ballet barre exercise called?

There are four possible barre ballet exercises. You are probably thinking of a plie which is the most commonly used ballet exercise. There are also eleve, battlement tendu and rond de jambe.

What are the ballet exercises called at the bar?

They are just called barre excercises. Some of those are plie, releve, rond de jambe, retire, frappe, tendue, etc.

What is a round de jambre in dance?

to do a rond de jambe you point your foot to the front sweep it to the side and then to the back then close repeat starting in the back usually done from first position to keep the motion going you do not bend your leg unless its rond de jambe plie

What is the DVD for grade 4 ballet?

These are some of the dance steps: adage, arabesque, battement tendu, grand battement, port de bras, rond de jambe, sissonne, sissonne en avant, sobresaut, and a feet position, turnout.

What is the step in ballet the creates the letter d?

Rond de Jambe which translates to "circle of the leg". The leg goes from the front to the back, creating a D (half circle) which goes through first position to repeat.

When was De Wereld Rond created?

De Wereld Rond was created in 2004.

5 ballet vocabulary words?

Plies, Battements Tendus, Ronde De Jambe, Battements Frappes, AdageThese are the first five exercises from my grade 8 syllabus, :)