Electro-acoustic with digitally sampled sounds, vocals, a reed pipe and popular dance rhythms. Unaccompanied interludes enable us to hear the tapping of feet
Opera music is an accompaniment, excepting for overtures or such like, to a play to be sung by one or more persons and acted in costume.
Auria is a family surname, I believe it's Italian. If you are referring to an Aria, (pronounced the same way) it's an elaborate melody sung as a solo with accompaniment, like in an opera or oratorio.
christopher walken
Christopher Sly is not married, but he is duped into thinking that a Pageboy dressed up like a woman is his wife.
the lighting designer for swan song was david mohr,just a few notes why its like this:Dark stage creates atmosphere of being trapped & emphisises interrogation.Props are used - chair is a very important feature.A bright light is used stage left to represent a window which symbolises freedom. A spotlight is used to focus attension on dancers. Dull colours are used to create the atmosphere and mood of being a prisoner.
to make the prisoner feel like a stupid (like a clown)
It depends on what you mean. Are you asking what an accompaniment IS, or are you asking what kind of accompaniment choirs usually have? Accompaniment is the music that is played along with the singing, like the track in a pop song. The background music to make the track more enjoyable. The typical accompaniment used during choir concerts is the Piano. Other instruments are added on occasion.
Voices without instrumental accompaniment
Accompaniment tracks are recorded backing tracks that help people to prepare for music exams or performances and can be downloaded from sites like http://www.exam-accompaniment.co.uk/
what was christopher columbus parents like?
There are five syllables like so: Ac-com-pa-ni-ment.
It is called acapella.
what was Christopher Colombus's training?
Christopher... his cute <3 he likes to do smoke :)
don't ask a stupid question like that again
Because bran by his nature is a feral hound whose instincts like most americans is survival of the fattest