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1st position: the heels are touching and the entire leg is turned out so that toes face away.

2nd position: the feet are shoulder width apart, and the heels are facing each other.

3rd position: one foot is turned out, and the other heel touches the anklebone of the other foot

4th position: where both feet are turned out, and one foot is about 12' from each other

5th position: both feet are touching heel against toe. this may be difficult for beginners that may have a lower degree of hip rotation, and it is recommended that they use 3rd position.

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Q: What is the 5 basic positions of ballet?
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Related questions

How many basic positions are there in ballet?

There are five basic positions of the feet in ballet. It has been known to have as many as 10 positions.

How many positions in ballet?

there are 5 positons in ballet

How many positions are there in ballet?

The positions of the feet in ballet is a fundamental part of classical ballet technique that defines standard placements of feet on the floor. There are five basic positions in modern-day classical ballet, known as the first through fifth positions.

How many basic moves are there in classical ballet?

There is roughly around 30 basic movements in Ballet. They are broken down into feet positions, arm positions, and movements requiring both arms and legs.

How many arm positions are there in ballet?

6 however, the choreographer will likely not stick to the 6 basic positions.

In ballet are the positions hard or simple?

The positions in ballet are relatively simple. There are only five. If you Google image searched them I'm sure you could find an excellent diagram showing you these basic positions.

What are the fundamental and feet position?

The fundamental position for arms and feet are used in Ballet. They include turnout, line, basic arm positions, and basic leg positions.

What are the names of the basic ballet steps?

they are no basic ballet steps, if you want to it well they all take a lots and a lots of practice. But the are basic positions like 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th act

What are the Fundamental position arms and feet?

The fundamental position for arms and feet are used in ballet. They include turnout, line, basic arm positions, and basic leg positions.

How many ballet positions have the feet turned out?

5 positions... the only position that is not turned out is parallel

What are the 5 positions in ballet?

1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

What are some of the basic ballet moves?

Basic ballet moves are known as 'positions'. There are five. For example, in first position, the dancer's feet are turned out, with heels touching. In second position the feet are moved apart.