Subsequent positions is a term used in the military. It refers to positions where military personnel can set up and be away from the actual front lines.
There are five basic positions of the feet in ballet. It has been known to have as many as 10 positions.
5 positions... the only position that is not turned out is parallel
6 however, the choreographer will likely not stick to the 6 basic positions.
They are basically called first, second, third, fourth, and fifth positions.
The positions in ballet are relatively simple. There are only five. If you Google image searched them I'm sure you could find an excellent diagram showing you these basic positions.
Senators in the United States hold their positions for six years. They are elected to serve this term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms if they choose to run for re-election and are successful in the election.
after, then, subsequent
My subsequent reply went unnoticed.
The word "subsequent" is an adjective.
Subsequent testing proved there was no cancer in the man's lung. Subsequent to her arrest, she was taken to jail and assigned a court date. All of the company's subsequent decisions were based on the original policy. The town was abandoned in 1899, and the subsequent dust storms have reduced it to rubble.
Subsequent Pleasures - album - was created in 1983.
After the volcano erupted, geologists carefully monitored subsequent rumblings.
The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.The rape of Lucretia and the subsequent revolt ended the Etruscan rule in Rome.
The first book in the series was a disappointment, but subsequent ones have been wery enjoyable.
We may encounter adverse union issues subsequent to the closing of the factory.
The opposite in time from subsequent (following) would be previous, or preceding.As subsequent can imply a relationship, possibly cause-and-effect (consequent), the opposite could be the adjective antecedent.