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dance partner

if you are coupled with some one they would be your dance partner.

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Q: What is relationship used for in dance?
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What does relationship in dance mean?

A relationship in dance is the way the couple relates to one another. Their body language and chemistry can tell a story and allow them to move as one in their dance.

What are relationship words in dance?


How is dance used?

what is dance used for

What are the relationships in dance?

What are relationships in dance? Is that the question? If it is then the relationship may be between the dancers on the stage, the relationship between the audience and the dancer, and the relationship between the dancer and the choreographer. All of which are important for a dancer to perform their best.

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it tells lies

What are used in dance?

Augmentation, enlargement, and translationare used in dance.

What is relationship is dance?

A relationship in dance is defined by ( with whom the body is moving ) which shows the point made above. However when asked to describe dance relationships the word terms are different for example. Write a list from A-Z thinking of as many relationship words you can e.g Asymmetric, Bond, Chance, Duet ... ect hope this helps (:

What words are used in dance?

Augmentation, enlargement, and translationare used in dance.

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Discus the relationship between jazz dance and music

What does ASDR stand for in dance?

Action, Space, Dynamics, Relationship

What was the relationship between Cha cha and Danny from Grease?

The relationship between Cha Cha and Danny is never fully explored in the movie. Based on his reactions, it can be assumed that they used to date. Cha Cha must still have some feelings or jealousy for him so she steals him from Sandy. But Danny still continues to dance with her in the dance.

Is there a relationship between beren and kivanc?

yes, they dance with DK on nintendo 64 games.