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In the Champions League, obviously the biggest game from Russia's perspective is the Group B clash between CSKA and Manchester United at Old Trafford.

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Q: What is an example of acculturation in sports today?
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How do use acculturation in a sentence?

acculturation is just another word for socialization. Example: acculturation was carried out by people.

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How do you use acculturation in a sentence?

Acculturation is the process of two different cultures coming into contact and influencing each other. For example, many immigrants experience acculturation as they adapt to the customs and traditions of their new country while still maintaining aspects of their original culture.

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How can acculturation be used in a sentence?

His acculturation was the result of a strict Catholic education.It was difficult to pass on his family's acculturation because today's children are so much into internet games and cell phones.

How sould you use acculturation in a sentence?

i acculturation you

What is an antonym for acculturation?

Extirpate is an antonym for acculturation.

What does the acculturation mean?

Acculturation means getting used to a different culture.

What part of speech is acculturation?

Acculturation is a noun. It refers to the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.

How would you use acculturation in a sentence?

You can sound fancy. You use acculturation instead of socialization.

What does the process of acculturation involve?

The process of acculturation involves the changing of cultures after two or more cultures meet. An example would be in the United States when the European population met the Native American population. It can effect language, food, art and lifestyle.

How are the ancient Greeks Olympics different form the modern Olympics of today?

Many of the sports that are in today weren`t included and some were eliminated today like pankration for example.