male ballerinas are called danseurs.
Ballet shoes or Pointe shoes
what do ballets ware? seriously? I'm just assuming that you mean ballerinas and wear. Ballerina's usually wear a black leotard, pink tights, hair in a bun, and a skirt (optional)
A male ballet dancer is called a danseur, French for dancer. sissy
Anna Pavalova and Marie Taglioni were famous ballerinas at the beginning of it all. See the Related Link below for more ballerinas.
male ballerinas are called danseurs.
Very hot ? The English word 'tutu' refers to the very short skirt worn by ballerinas in classical ballet.
Ballet shoes or Pointe shoes
It is not a skirt. It is called a loincloth.
A skirt's edge is called a Hem
he is an impresimistic but prefers to be called a realist. He does mostly ballerinas
what do ballets ware? seriously? I'm just assuming that you mean ballerinas and wear. Ballerina's usually wear a black leotard, pink tights, hair in a bun, and a skirt (optional)
The male skirt is called a malo. The female skirt is a pāʻū.
A male ballet dancer is called a danseur, French for dancer. sissy
The collective nouns are a troupe of ballerinas and a company of ballerinas.
Anna Pavalova and Marie Taglioni were famous ballerinas at the beginning of it all. See the Related Link below for more ballerinas.
It is called a tutu.