Flat Ballet shoes and leg warmers and a ballet jacket for cold days.
wear your hair in a bun or pulled back in a ponytail.
Leotards are also a slight biggy. Skirts and tutus can be worn over a leotard, but for the older students, the teacher may not want these to be worn over it. Remember all teachers are different,and all schools are too. So talk to the teacher and ask them what they would advise you to get.
The main equiptment you need is passion and dedication. Ballet can be very time consuming, you must be aware of that. You will also need pink ballet shoes, pink tights, and a leotard(preferably black).
Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.
from ballet, contemporary evolved, to be a good contemporary dancer u need to be ballet trained, modern jazz also developed from ballet.
I suggest you go to this site I found on Google: http://www.tumbltrak.com/equipment/2:4:80/ballet-barres-dance.html?gclid=CIiTtoSq958CFQli2goddXVWWgTheir cheapest barre is $239.00.If you want to make your own ballet barre, go to this site: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Ballet-BarreI made my own ballet barre, and it is VERY sturdy! (:
The main equiptment you need is passion and dedication. Ballet can be very time consuming, you must be aware of that. You will also need pink ballet shoes, pink tights, and a leotard(preferably black).
Barres and mirrors.
Soft, leather ballet shoes
You need to be very physically fit, be physically flexible and have good balance. You will need ballet shoes, and it would also be a really good idea to enter ballet school to get taught properly how to perform ballet.
You don't need to break in ballet flats, but you do need to break in pointe shoes.
Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.
Leotard, tights, ballet flats, and pins for a hair bun.
from ballet, contemporary evolved, to be a good contemporary dancer u need to be ballet trained, modern jazz also developed from ballet.
I suggest you go to this site I found on Google: http://www.tumbltrak.com/equipment/2:4:80/ballet-barres-dance.html?gclid=CIiTtoSq958CFQli2goddXVWWgTheir cheapest barre is $239.00.If you want to make your own ballet barre, go to this site: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Ballet-BarreI made my own ballet barre, and it is VERY sturdy! (:
you just need to wait until your ballet instructor thinks your ready, our if you haven't a ballet teacher start going to a ballet school.
In an introductory ballet class, a ballet bar is used primarily for stretching and keeping balance. While newcomers to ballet are still honing their skills, they may need assistance using the bar.