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Well in my dance studio there are 3 levels, beginning, intermediate and advanced. I'm 11 and I'm in intermediate. The dance studio is Center Pointe Dance in Phoenix Az

P.S. Point levels are beginning and advanced

Some Ballet exam boards use numbered grades, Primary, Grade 1, Grade 2 up to around Grade 6. After this, the levels may be named, Intermediate, Advanced etc.

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Q: What do the grades in ballet go like?
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What is better the Russian ballet or English ballet?

It depends on your favorite type of dance. If you like more modern ballet, you would go with the English ballet. If you enjoy classical ballet, you would probably vote Russian. Personally, I like both.

What is the highest grade in ballet?

i think grade seven for grades but there is also intermediate

How many grades in ballet are there?

OK well i am 13 and i am a ballet student. It depends on what kind of ballet you are talking about...... there is RAD, BAL, and many more. i do BAL so i will tell you about that. ok well first is pre primary, then primary, then grade1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then pre ellementry (for two years) then ellementry (for two years). I hope i have helped you =) With the IDTA, there are all sorts of pre-numberedgrades like prep and primary then there are 6 numbered grades before you get onto the classical grades etc

What does grade 2 ballet mean?

Grade 2 ballet is like a grade in music - the person is in grade two until they take their grade two exam, and then they can move up to grade three. There are several different examination boards for ballet, and the syllabus steps required for the grades will vary from board to board.

Do you have to go to school to do ballet?

If you have a serious interest in ballet and would like to be a professional ballet dancer, you can only develop that level of skill by studying at an actual ballet school. If your interest is not as serious, you can learn lots about ballet by reading about it, watching videos and movies, trying things out and teaching yourself.

Do guys like ballet dancers?

i am a guy and i can tell you i love ballet so your answer is yes guys do like ballet

What is lyrical ballet?

Lyrical ballet is like ballet but dancing and feeling the music.

Does it take two people to dance ballet?

No, when learning and completing grades the majority of the syllabus is performed in solo.

Can you help out with ballet class even if you are not very good?

Helping out with your ballet class is a good idea, but it would not be advisable to start helping out in Grades that you are not comfortable with like a harder ballet class. Even if you are not confident in the grade that you are doing, you can always help with younger grades or with the toddlers, as then they will look up to you as a role model and you will be able to establish the basic skills so that you are a better ballet dancer. I helped out in a toddler tap class for a dance school show, and all the young children thought I was amazing even though I wasn't that good at tap back then!

Is grade 4 IDTA ballet good for a 12 year old?

It's not really about your age, it's about how good you are at ballet, your age doesn't really matter. It is quite challenging but it depends on how well you do at ballet and if you have been through the other grades.

Describe what Ballet dancing looks like?

Ballet is a graceful, swan like dance.

Who is a current ballet dancer?

Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.