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Twilighthunnixx123 - I think you mean the grades and if that's what you mean this is what they are . i am a 13 year old dancer ( in training hope to be in musical theatre as a teen and adult )and this is what the grades are like in my school . Its English by the way and it is part of the I.D.T.A ( internatonal dance teachers association ).

Prep Ballet - usually ages 2-4

Pre-Juvenial - usually ages 4-5

Juevenial - usually ages 6-7

Primary - usually ages 7-8

Grade 1 - usually ages 8-9

Grade 2 - usually ages 9- 12 This is the grade were if you start as an older child or an adult begginer where you start .From this grade onwards you can be any age but these are the usual child ages .

Grade 3 - usually ages 12-15

Grade 4 - (my grade ) 13 - 15.

Grade 5 - usually ages 14-16

Grade 6 - usuallly ages 15- 16 .

Classical Ballet ( optional ) - 16+

Advanced 1 - 17+

Advanced 2 - 19+ ( the grades get longer to learn and complete before your examination to move up as you get older)

I am not sure of the grades after this i think it goes on to tests about your muscles such as written papers and ten your teaching grades !!!

Once you have learned all the steps and dances for the grade you have an examination if you get marks

0- 50 it is an unsuccesfull (U)

51-64 it is a pass (P)

65-79 it is a commended (C)

80 - 85 it is a highly commended (HC)

85+ is an honours (H)

if you receive a high honours and you have the correct body shape you can be picked for auditions for the royal ballet dance academy and if you are maybe not the right body shape but are an amazing dancer you can be picked for various competitions up and down the country so there is a lot to be acheived .

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Q: What are the ballet syllabuses?
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How many ballet syllabus are there?

There are several ballet syllabuses. There is the French school, Vaganova (Russian), Cechetti (Italian), Royal Academy of Dance (English), and Bournoville (Danish). Some consider Balanchine technique a syllabus, and others just consider it a style.

Does syllabus is syllabuses in the plural form today?

Both "syllabus" and "syllabuses" are considered correct plural forms. "Syllabi" is also commonly used as the plural of "syllabus."

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19 syllabuses in supercalifragilisticexpiadocious.

What is the plural of syllabus?

The plural form of syllabus is syllabior syllabuses.

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There is 1 syllabus in the word `blond'.

What is foreign plural of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi. But the English plural syllabuses is also used.

What is the foreign plural of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi. But the English plural syllabuses is also used.

What is the plural possessive of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi, and the English plural is syllabuses.So the plural possessive may be syllabi's or syllabuses' (apostrophe only).Examples:The syllabi's exact nature would depend on the professors available for each course.The dean was in charge of the syllabuses' final forms.

What are 4 ballet groups?

American Ballet Theatre, the Pennsylvania Ballet, The Kirov Ballet and the Bolshoi Ballet

Is it le ballet or la ballet in french?

it is " le ballet ", ballet is a masculine

What is the plural noun for syllabus?

The plural forms syllabi and syllabuses are both correct.