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for example...

fondu, to melt

developpe, to develop

frappe, to whip

chasse, to chase

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Q: What are some basic ballet terms and their English meaning?
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Related questions

How many terms do ballet dancers have to know?

lots of different ones. not only English terms, but french aswell. a ballet teacher will usually use only the french terms.

From which of these terms is the word ballet derived?

balloThe word ballet comes from the French and was borrowed into English around 1630.

What are some basic ballet terms and their meaning?

sorry but some of the spellings might be off pleay-to bend ur legs tendu- to extend ur leg in a pointed position

What is the ballet term for down?

Well in French, the language in which ballet terms are used, down is "en bas," but a basic ballet move that goes down is a "plié." I'm not sure which one you're looking for.

What are the languages for ballet?

Ballet terms are in French.

What does ballet have to do with Paris?

Nothing, the ballet terms are french.

Where ballet started?

Ballet started in France, which is why all ballet terms are in French.

Where can one learn more about ballet terms?

The American Ballet Theatre has an online ballet dictionary, which has listings and definitions for 170 ballet terms. The website includes pictures, and lumps definitions into similar groups.

What do you call the basic meaning or main idea about life that an author wants the reader to understand?

In contemporary English, there are numerous terms that can be used to express the 'basic meaning or main idea about life that an author wants the reader to understand.' Perhaps the most common of these would be 'theme,' 'purpose,' 'moral,' or 'application.'

Where did the word ballet originate and where?

I am guessing France since all the ballet terms are french.

Is tap water acidic, basic, or neutral in terms of its pH level?

Tap water is typically neutral in terms of its pH level, meaning it is neither acidic nor basic.

What do jete allonge plie and fondu have in common?

These are ballet terms. Because ballet became formalized in France, a significant part of ballet terminology is in the French language.